Preparing Pallets for Concrete Roof Production

Roof on Pallet

Roof on Pallet ( Both are made from concrete )

Keterangan foto di atas : Genteng Beton di atas Tatakan Beton .

We are supplying you with 4 Iron Plates , 1 pcs is Pallet Maker ( For making the pallets ) , and 3 pcs are Roof Supporting Plates ( For making the roof tiles ) :

Kami mensuplai anda dengan 4 buah plat besi , 1 buah Pallet Maker ( Untuk membuat tatakan ) , dan 3 buah Roof Supporting Plates ( Untuk membuat genteng ) :

The purpose of The Pallet Maker is to cast / making the Pallets made from concrete .

The purpose of The Roof Supporting Plates is to making the concrete roof tiles .

Fungsi Pallet Maker adalah untuk mencetak tatakan beton .

Fungsi Piringan ( Roof Supporting Plates ) adalah untuk mencetak gentengnya .

The procedures to prepare 1000 pcs of concrete Pallets are :  

Prosedur untuk mempersiapkan 1000 buah tatakan dari beton adalah :

1. Making the roof tile using the Roof Supporting Plate .

Membuat genteng dulu dengan menggunakan piringan genteng .

Put the Roof Supporting Plate on the Mold

Put the Roof Supporting Plate on the Mold

After the Roof Supporting Plate on the Mold then put on the textile and mortar , and press a roof tile

After the Roof Supporting Plate on the Mold then put on the textile and mortar , and press a Roof tile

The wet Roof Tile have just casted from the pressing machine

The wet Roof Tile has just casted from the pressing machine

The wet Roof Tile which has just casted

The wet Roof Tile which has just casted

Since you only have 3 Roof Supporting Plates , then you have to cast 3 pcs of roof tiles per time , then after casting these 3 roof tiles you have to let them stay on the 3 Roof Supporting Plates for at least 30 minutes , to let them strong enough to be handeld .

Karena anda hanya memiliki 3 buah piringan genteng , maka anda hanya bisa mencetak 3 buah genteng saja dan membiarkannya selama 30 menit di atas piringannya . Biarkan selama 30 menit agar cukup kuat untuk dipindahkan .

2. Then after 30 minutes , you are ready to release the roof tile from the Roof Supporting Plates , by stand them on the flat floor . You can take them to stand at the flat floor , like this :

Lalu setelah 30 menit , anda bisa meletakkannya di atas lantai seperti foto di bawah ini .

Now you have to carefully stand them both on the flat floor

Now you have to carefully stand them both ( the roof and the plate ) on the flat floor

Then carefully hold the wet roof with fingers and carefully take out the Roof Supporting Plate

Then carefully hold the wet roof with fingers and carefully take out the Roof Supporting Plate ( A )

Then carefully hold the wet roof with fingers and carefully take out the Roof Supporting Plate

Carefully hold the wet roof with fingers and carefully take out the Roof Supporting Plate ( B )

Carefully hold the wet roof with fingers and carefully take out the Roof Supporting Plate

Carefully hold the wet roof with fingers and carefully take out the Roof Supporting Plate ( C )

And carefully take out the textile from the roof tile

And carefully take out the textile from the roof tile

Now you already have 3 pcs of Roof tiles standing on the flat floor

Now you already have 3 pcs of Roof tiles standing on the flat floor

Please repeat the procedures above , for making 1 pcs of Pallet , because you only have 1 Pallet Maker . Like the photos below :

Lalukanlah proses di atas , untuk juga mencetak 1 buah tatakan / Pallet , dengan menggunakan piringan tatakan / Palet Maker , seperti foto di bawah ini .

Put the Pallet Maker on the Mold

Put the Pallet Maker on the Mold

After the Pallet already on the mold , put textile and put mortar on it , and press a Pallet

After the Pallet already on the mold , put textile and put mortar on it , and press a Pallet

The wet Pallet has just been casted

The wet Pallet has just been casted

Leave it untouch for around 30 minutes

Leave it untouch for around 30 minutes

After 30 Minutes , you can stand it on the floor , like this :

Setelah 30 menit , sama seperti saat mencetak 3 buah genteng tadi , yakni dengan memberdirikannya di atas lantai datar dan melepas piringan tatakannya .

Stand them ( both pallet maker and the pallet ) on the flat floor

Stand them ( both pallet maker and the pallet ) on the flat floor

And carefully take out the Pallet Maker from the wet pallet .

And carefully take out the Pallet Maker from the wet pallet .

Take out the Pallet Maker , also carefully take out the textile

Take out the Pallet Maker , also carefully take out the textile

Now you already have 3 Roof Tiles and 1 Pallet on the flat floor

Now you already have 3 Roof Tiles and 1 Pallet on the flat floor

Repeat the procedures above every 30 minutes . So , in every 30 minutes , you can make 3 roof tiles and 1 Pallet , it mean you can making around 40 – 50 tiles per day .

Ulangilah proses di atas setiap 30 menit , sehingga dalam 1 hari anda bisa membuat setidaknya 40 0 50 buah genteng dan beberapa buah tatakan beton .

After one week , you will have around 300 pcs of Roof tiles and some Pallets .

Setelah 1 minggu , anda akan sudah memiliki sekitar 300 buah genteng dan beberapa tatakannya .

Then , the next following week , after you have the 300 pcs of roof tiles and some pallets , you can start to use the Pallet Maker to produce the pallets . You can use the roof tiles to be the supporting plates of the pallets .

Lalu , pada minggu berikutnya , karena anda sudah memiliki 300 buah gentengnya dan beberapa tatakannya , maka anda bisa mulai membuat tatakannya , dengan mempergunakan gentengnya sebagai alas tatakan bagi tatakan yang baru dicetak . Prosesnya : dengan membaliknya dulu ke atas tatakan yg sudah kering , lalu setelah melepas piringannya dibalik lagi ke atas genteng yang sudah kering ( 300 buah yang anda buat minggu sebelumnya ) .

The procedures to cast pallets :

1. Cast / Press a Pallet using the Pallet Maker ( see the procedures above ) , and put in on a table like this :

A newly casted Pallet on it's Pallet Maker , on a table

A newly casted Pallet , still wet , with it's Pallet Maker , on a table

Take one dry Pallet which you already made it last week

Take one dry Pallet which you already made it last week

Put the dry pallet on the wet pallet

Put the dry pallet on the wet pallet

From Bottom to Top : Pallet Maker - Wet Pallet - Dry Pallet

From Bottom to Top : Pallet Maker - Wet Pallet - Dry Pallet

Now Flip them 180 degree

Now Flip them 180 degree

Flip them 180 degree , so now the Pallet Maker is on top

Flip them 180 degree , so now the Pallet Maker is on top

Now carefully take out the Pallet Maker

Now carefully take out the Pallet Maker

Take the Pallet Maker out without touching the wet Pallet

Take the Pallet Maker out without touching the wet Pallet

The wet pallet on the dry pallet

The wet pallet on the dry pallet

Take one dry Roof Tile which you already made last week

Take one dry Roof Tile which you already made last week

Now put the Dry Roof on the Wet Pallet

Now put the Dry Roof on the Wet Pallet ( A )

Now put the Dry Roof on the Wet Pallet ( B )

Now put the Dry Roof on the Wet Pallet ( B )

From Bottom to Top : Dry Pallet - Wet Pallet - Dry Roof Tile

From Bottom to Top : Dry Pallet - Wet Pallet - Dry Roof Tile

Now Flip them again , 180 degree ( A )

Now Flip them again , 180 degree ( A )

Now Flip them again , 180 degree , if neccesary helped by other worker ( B )

Now Flip them again , 180 degree , if neccesary helped by other worker ( B )

From Bottom to Top : Dry Roof Tile - Wet Pallet - Dry Pallet

From Bottom to Top : Dry Roof Tile - Wet Pallet - Dry Pallet

Now , Take out the Dry Pallet

Now , Take out the Dry Pallet

Now the wet Pallet on Dry Roof , ready to transfer to wooden racks

Now the wet Pallet on Dry Roof , ready to transfer to wooden racks

All the procedures shown above are done fast in real time , it may seem slow because I try to explain them step by step .

You can make 300 pallets per day , because you already have 300 dry roof tiles . In 3 or 4 days you already can make 1000 pcs of pallets . Then with the 1000 pallets , you are ready to produce 1000 roof tiles per day .

Maka anda sudah akan punya 1000 tatakan dalam minggu berikutnya ini .


You must also prepare wooden racks like in the photos below :

Please see this video also : .

( On the Video , you can see the daily works of casting Roof Tiles ) .

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